Animal Factory

Animal Factory is a collection of minimalistic animal structures, made of metal tubing, each preserving the exact size and proportions of the real animals, and each one painted in a single shade.

The project was born in Amsterdam, in 2018, and selected as the winner of the NDSM open call, with four initial animals: the gorilla, the giraffe, the crocodile and the pink wolf. Thanks to the simplistic design and construction process, more animals joined the herd, and they are spreading all around Europe, in parks, squares and public gardens.

The structures of these different animals represent a playground for children, but also an alternative tool for a workout, a peculiar place to hang out, or even a bike rack.

The Animal Factory project is a reality thanks to the work of steel carpenter Iwan Snel and project manager Jim Du Pan, also located at the NDSM wharf.

Photos by Luca Boscardin and Tim Sted.